Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Questions from Where Have You Gone Charming Billy

2) "He was pretending he was a boy again, camping with his father in the midnight summer along the Des Moines River" (828 lines 14-15)
This probably meant that he was trying to get his mind off of things making the best of being at war. He was remembering the good times he had with his father, pretending like war was just like those days having fun out in the woods.  (symbol)

3) "When they reached the sea, things would be better.  They would have their rear guarded by three thousand miles of ocean, and they would be safe."  (830 lines 45- 46)
When they reach the sea their fear will be lost. The sea would protect them from their enemies and they wouldn’t have to worry. (Symbol)

4) "Already the Southern Cross was out."  (830 line 49)
A Constellation (Symbol)

5) "He counted his steps, concentrating on the numbers, pretending that the steps were dollar bills and that each step made him richer and ricer, so that soon he would be a wealthy man, and he kept counting and considered the ways he might spend the money after the war..." (831 lines 64-66)
(Symbol/Metaphor) When your wealthy you are higher up in the world and you can take better care of yourself. You will have security that nothing with happen and you will be able to get better things.

6) "The graveyard had a perfumy smell.  A nice place to spend the night, he thought."  (831 line 96)
(Metaphor) Graveyard usually don’t have a perfummy smell and they are the most comfortable place to stay.  

Situational irony because you normally wouldn’t get a letter from war saying your son has had a hear attack in war.

8) Also think about Doublemint chewing gum.  Paul Berlin's imagination of having "War Buddies", the soldiers singing after Billy Watkins body falls out of the helicopter and gets lost in the rice paddy. 
Chewing gum is a symbol because they are using it to relax. “Where have you gone Billy Boy” is an allusion to a song, “War Buddies” is situational irony because he thinks when he gets home he will have all these new friends he can write letters to and that probably wont happen. 

Sentences for Cavort and Sever

The two year-old cavorted around the house all day long in her  rainbow tutu.

In science class the severed the bird into three parts to look inside its body.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sentences for Squander and Inaugurate

I squandered around the house hanging decoration and finishing cleaning before the birthday party.

At the city council meeting they inaugurated the new Mayor to the city of Skagway.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Where Have you Gone Charming Billy?

1) Billy Boy Watkins was so afraid of dying he gave him self a heart attack.

2) Toby wants to keep Paul quiet because that much laughing could kill him.

3) The story ends with 26 soldiers getting to the sea.

4) Paul Berlin calmed his fear by counting his foots steps, singing, he would lay on the wet grass and turn his head to pretend to lick at the dew with his eyes closed.  He was not very successful.

5) The conflict is internal because he is trying to combat his fear, trying different methods, and pretending he's home away from the war.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sentence for Suffuse

The construction workers suffused the cement all over the cracked sidewalk.

Sentence for Goad

The little boy kept going in his sister's room and she yelled to her mom, " Charlie is so goad!"

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

         When Dave was late getting home from school one day Pa was wondering where he was. So, Dave told him in biology class they went to Eif Crabtree’s farm and while they were six boys climbed in a cherry tree to catch a lizard. When they got to the tree it broke and Eif saw it and made each boy pay a dollar but I didn’t have it so Professor Herbert told me I could just stay after school and I would get 25 cents an hour. Pa got all angry and told Dave he was going to go “ talk” with Professor Herbert.
          The next day when Pa goes to talk with Professor Herbert he brings a gun and goes into the room very angry. He starts talking how it is not right that Dave was the only one who had to stay after school and work for him but the other boys didn’t Professor Herbert explained t him that he was working for the school and he came in because he needed to pay the dollar. Pa also gets mad because in high school they were going to look at bugs, lizards, and flowers.  Once Professor Herbert starts explaining that they were there to find germs. Pa goes off about how he doesn’t believe in germs. So Professor Herbert tells him to stay with him and they will look at it through a microscope. Once Pa realizes they are real he starts to like Professor Herbert and learns that he is teaching the right things.  Just like the meaning of cherry tree, you can change. Pa changes by giving the Professor a chance and learning that things are different from before when he went to school. He also learns that his son is getting a good education.