Thursday, April 24, 2014

 Comment on Atticus's explanation of rape. How suitable is this as an answer to Scout.
Atticus explains it in a way that he understands, but Scout really doesn't understand what he is trying to say.

Why does Alexandra think Atticus should dismiss Calpurnia? How does Atticus respond to the suggestion?
Alexandra doesn't think the children need Cal anymore they are getting older. Atticus says no because she has been a part of the family for so long and they cant just get rid of her.

Why is Scout pleased when Jem fights her back? Why is she less pleased when he tells Atticus about Dill? Scout is pleased because it means that they are still equal. She is displeased because she feels like his childhood s going away and he is growing up.

What do we learn from Dill's account of his running away?
He ran away because his parents weren't mean they just didn't really care about him. They would but him everything he wanted but would just expect him to play with his toys and do what every other child did. We also learn that his step dad doesn't like him.

What is the “nightmare” that now descends upon the children?
They thought a gang has shown up to the house and they want to fight Atticus. When he comes back inside he explains to the children that they are just towns people.

What was (and is) the Ku Klux Klan? What do you think of Atticus's comments about it?
It is a group of conservative people that believe in white power, and think they are better then everyone. Atticus shouldn't have said anything because they are apart of Maycomb. 

How does Jem react when Atticus tells him to go home, and why?
He says no because he doesn't want Atticus to get hurt.

What persuades the lynching-party to give up their attempt on Tom's life?
Scout gets involved and goes and talks to Mr. Cunningham

Comment on the way Scout affects events without realizing it at the time.
When she is talking to Mr. Cunningham and then is about to talk to Walter. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chapter 12

Theme: One theme is how Lula shows racism and prejudice when Jem and Scout show up to the church. She is angry because they are the only white ones there. 

Characters: Lulu, Reverend Sykes, Zeebo, Calpurnia, Jem, Scout, Dill,  Atticus, Mrs. Dubose, Eunice Ann Simpson, Carlow Richardson, Tom Robinson, Helen, Bob Ewell, Aunt Alexandra

Symbol: Dill is a symbol of childhood innocence

Summary: Jem got a letter from Dill saying he was not coming back to Maycomb that year. Scout was upset and to make things worse Atticus had to got to the state capitol everyday for two weeks for the state legislature. On a Sunday Calpurnia took all the kids to her church. She went to a colored church and a women named Lula, got mad that Calpurnia brought white kids to that church. During the service they take a donation for Thomas Robinsons wife. When they got home from church Aunt Alexandra was sitting there waiting for them.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Why does Scout quiz Atticus about his visit to the Radley house? How much does Atticus tell her?
Scout wanted to know if he saw Boo Radley and he tells her he didn't.

What is the “near libel” which Jem puts in the front yard? How do Miss Maudie and Atticus react to it?
The "near libel" was a snowman that was made up of snow and earth, and it looked like Mr. Avery. Atticus wanted them to put a hat on it because it looked so much like Mr. Avery and Miss.Maudie thought it was funny.

Why does Atticus save Miss Maudie's oak rocking chair?
He saves her rocking chair because he knows it means a lot to her.

When Atticus asks Scout about the blanket around her shoulders, what does Jem realize?
Jem realizes that when they had all their attention to the fire, Boo Radely had put a blanket over Scout.

Explain what Atticus means by telling Jem not to let his discovery “inspire ” him to “further glory”? Is there any reason why Jem might now do as his father says?
He might no do as his father says because he now realizes that Boo is a good person, and they should just leave him be. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

English Homework

1. Exposition: Scott gets in trouble at school for practically being smarter then her class. Miss. Caroline said her dad was teaching her wrong and she was learning to read the wrong way. Scout and Jem keep finding things in the knot whole of the tree by the Radleys house. They found two indiana pennies, twine, soap molds that looked like them, and a whole pack of gum. When Jem went back to the Radleys place to get his pants they were fixed and folded on the fence. Last, Miss. Maudie's house catches on fire but she thinks of it like it is a present. While Jem and Scout are standing outside waiting for the fire to go out, Boo goes out a puts a blanket over Scout.

2. One theme is sense of duty, is that everyone helps out around the town. They all helped push the fire truck to Miss.Maudie's house to put out the fire. Also, they helped get her furniture out of her house before it was all burned.

3. Walter Cunningham

4.  Not to go on other peoples property
     She learns that Boo Radley isn't that bad of a person
     Her dad also teaches her that there is prejudice in the community
     She has also learned to read