Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Correcting Sentences

 1. Many companies make sugar-free soft drinks, are flavored by synthetic chemicals; the drinks usually contain only one or two calories per serving.

2. Mr. Leyland played the viola professionally for many years, and he now conducts a community orchestra.

3. The crab grass was flourishing, but the rest of the lawn, unfortunately, was dying.

4. The hill was covered with wildflowers; it was a beautiful sight.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sentence Corrections

Breakfast is my favorite meal. I like hot food for breakfast. I prefer eggs and bacon to oatmeal. A good breakfast always starts my day off right.

I love hot food for breakfast, eggs and bacon rather than oatmeal; breakfast is my favorite meal, its a great way to start the day off right!

 Put in semicolons, colons, dashes, quotation marks, and Italics (use an underline), wherever they are needed in the following sentences.

1. "Whoever thought," said Helen, -that Jack would be elected class president?-
2. In baseball; a show boat is a man who shows off.
3. The minister quoted "Isaiah 5:21" in last Sunday's sermon.
4. There was a very interesting article entitled, The New Rage for Folk Singing in last Sunday's New York Times newspaper.
5. "Whoever is elected secretary of the club: Ashley, Chandra, or Aisha, must be prepared to do a great deal of work," said Jumita, the previous secretary.
6. Darwin's On the Origin of Species 1859 , caused a great controversy when it appeared.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Combine the following Sentences:

A) John owns and loves to wear hats; John's girlfriend likes to see him in cowboy hats; His hero is John Wayne.

B) My Nike shoes are designed to play tennis, they have soles, and I like their light weight.

Put in semicolons, colons, dashes, quotation marks, and Italics (use an underline), where ever they are needed in the following sentences.

7. There was only one thing to do, study till dawn.
8. Montaigne wrote the following, "A wise man never loses anything, if he has himself."
9. The following are the primary colors: red, blue, and yellow.
10. Arriving on the 8:10 plane were Liz Brooks, my old roommate; her husband, and Tim, their son.
11. When the teacher commented that her spelling was poor,  Lynn replied, "All the members of my family are poor spellers. Why not me?"

Sentences for Peremptory and Poignant

The girl was poignant before the test, jumping up and down freaking out.

The principle was peremptory to the bully who kept putting Kevin in the trash can.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Correction for Sentences

Combine each of the following into one sentence. 

1) The bear was big, broke open the garbage, ate the left over pizza; Dan's father shot the bear, and Dan cried.

2) Espionage is the secret collection of intelligent information, the history of it goes back over two thousand years, it was started in China by Sun Tzu.

For the following correct the punctuation:

Put in semicolons, colons, dashes, quotation marks, where ever they are needed in the following sentences.

1. Several countries participated in the airlift: Italy, Belgium, France, and Luxembourg.

2. Only one course was open to us;  "Surrender!" said the ex-major, and we did. 

3. Judge Carswell, later to be nominated for the Supreme Court; had ruled against civil rights.

4. In last week's New Yorker, one of my favorite magazines; I enjoyed reading Leland's article How Not to Go Camping.

5. "Yes," Jim said, "I'll be home by ten."

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sentences for Undulation and Imperative

It was imperative that the little girl took her inhaler before doing any physical activity so she doesn’t have an asthma attack.

The fishing boat rocked in an undulation, causing all the crab pots to fall overboard and waves to came over and wash away the bloody fish guts. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Sentences for Ensued and Imperceptible

When the little girl fell on the concrete sidewalk, a scrap ensued. 

It was imperceptible for the robber to get away for the cops because there were twenty times more of them then him.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Journal For Night

   Moshe the beadle

The Star of David

Synagogues- A Jewish house of worship, often having facilities for religious instruction
Pious-having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations.

Summary for pg. 1-10
In the first part of the story we meet Moshe the Beadle he was very poor and lived humbly.  He was awkward as clown and made people smile. We also learn how Elie wants to learn more about the studies of the cabbala. When he asks his father to get him a master to guide him he tells him that he is to young.  The foreign Jews were put into cattle trains and were sent to Hungary. Soon days, weeks, months had passed and life had gone back to normal. Elie one day sees Moshe and he starts explain everything that has happened. He escaped Sighet. Later German soldiers came and the Hungarian police came and took all the Jews' valuables. They all soon were wearing yellow stars on their coats “the star of David” and they weren’t aloud to leave their house for a few days.

Summary for pg. 10-20
Everyone was gathering at Elie’s backyard just chatting and having fun. But soon the gate opened suddenly and a former trades man who had been a police officer pulled my dad aside. His dad soon had to leave for an extraordinary meeting of the council. Everyone waiting in the backyard for hours. Finally his dad got back from the meeting and told them what had happened. They needed to the leave the ghetto needed to be completely wiped out. It was a secret where they would be taken. Soon Elie went to wake up all his neighbors a told them that they had to be out of there by the morning with only a bag on their backs, food, and a few clothes nothing else. By eight o’clock they were up and had to be on the streets. The police did roll call at least twenty times and children were already crying for water.

Summary for pg. 20- 30
No one could lye down you could only sit and even that you had to take turns. It was day three with no water and everyone was so thirsty. The heat made it worse. The German officer went around picking up things that were left from people who no longer wished to taste the bitterness of terror. He told them that there were eight of them in the basket if anyone of them go missing they will be shot. Madam Schachter was with her ten year old son and her husband and her husband and two older sons had deported in the first transport by accident. She was screaming in terror telling everyone that she kept seeing fire and there is a chimney that is on fire. Everyone is trying to calm her down and telling her she will be with her sons and husband again. Nothing is calming her, the boys tied her up and are gagging her. She kept waking up and saying the same thing every time. They had finally arrived at Auschwitz. They asked if she could go to the hospital car but they had to be patient, and soon the train started to move again. Everyone had forgotten about her until look flames! The Jew went and looked out the window and they did see flames. Everyone got out of the wagons. They had arrived at Birkenau the reception center for Auschiwitz. The women and men were split apart never again would he see his mom and sister. 

People are praying for the dead, even though they're not dead yet. Elie’s childhood is fading and they are being told that they either work or die. His dad asks a gypsy were the bathroom is and he instantly starts to get smacks. In the morning they are transported to Auschwitz. Elie started thinking it was way better than Birkenau, because they were getting hot showers. They were able to sleep and get new clothes. Elie is tattooed with his name A-7713.

Elie’s mother and sisters were doing well, they found out from Stein their relation from Antwerp who continued to visit them. The bell soon rang to eat and Elie ate his bread and margarine on the spot he was so hungry. They stayed in Auschwitz fro three weeks. At the end of the third week the prisoner in charge was deprived and our new head savage and his assistants were real monsters. The good days were over. It was there lucky day for transport, they walked slowly the guards were in no hurry. It took them four hours tell they reached their new camp Buna. They were given new clothes and were installed into two tents. They were given new clothes and then they waited to hear what labor units they were enlisted in. The head leader of Elie’s tent was a German. One of his assistants tried to get Elie’s shoes by telling him he would get into a good unit. The Kapos soon arrived and brought them to their work warehouses. They had to count bolts. One day when Elie was eating secretary of the block told him he needed to go to the dentist after he was finished. When he went he pretended he was sick so the dentist wouldn’t do anything. He went back again and pulled the same excuse. On the third time the dentist wasn’t there because he was arrested for stealing gold teeth from people. At the warehouse Eli would often work with a young French girl.  

51- 61

Elie and the French girl started talking about how they have seen each other once before in Germany in 1944. Franek, the foreman noticed the golden tooth in Elie’s mouth and asked to take it out. Elie asked if he could talk it over with his father so that night he did. He wouldn’t let Franek take it out. Franek started to torment Elie’s father because he knew that was Elie’s weak spot. Soon, Franek grew kinder, until one day when all the poles were transferred; Elie was at the back of the building and heard a noise from a room. It was Franek and a little girl. Elie was soon punished for seeing this. He was whipped twenty-five times. On a Sunday when half of them were at work sirens started to go off. The streets were empty, everyone looked over and say two cauldrons of soup and to lambs without a shepherd. One man went over to the cauldron and when he looked in side a huge explosion went off. Buna was being bombed; it went on for several hours. No one was injured but the boy who stole the food was hung. 

The Oberkapo of Elie’s block was arrested for having an important stock of arms; he was tortured for a period of weeks and was never heard from again. His servant was and two other prisoners were left to be hung. Elie stood there and watched them die. The little boy was not dying he hung there his eyes still not glazed and his tongue was still red.  The whole time everyone is wondering where god is. Elie is in a new block and his father is somewhere else. The leader of Elie’s block tells them to get undressed to get some color in order to pass. They all got in. Their leader of their block told them it was going to be okay. A couple days later Elie’s number was called but his father’s wasn’t. His father runs towards him before he leaves and leaves him with a knife and a spoon and tells him not give them away. 


Simile- “ Ice cut us like a whip.”

When winter had finally come the days were shorter and the nights had become almost unbearable. They were given slightly thicker clothes and slightly thicker soup. On Christmas and New years there was no work. In the middle of January Elie’s right foot had begun to hurt. So, later he went in to get it examined. Elie started to think the hospital wasn’t bad after all. He was given good bread and a thicker soup. Elie was talking to the Hungarian Jew next to him that was skin and bone and had dead eyes. He was telling Elie how he needs to get out of the hospital before the next selection. Elie didn’t know whether he wanted him to leave so he would have a chance to survive or if he was really trying to help. Later the next day the Jewish doctor came in and gave him the operation. Two days after his operation there was a rumor going around that the front had suddenly drawn nearer. Elie quickly got out of the hospital and ran to his father. Soon, the march had begun in the middle of a snowstorm. 

81- 91

Zalaman: People laughed at him for praying all the time, died of a stomachache, polish
Juliek- Polish, loves his violin,
Rabbi Eliahou- Polish, words brought comfort, very good man, everyone in the camp loved him even the Kapos and even the head of the blocks

The wind continued to blow and the march continued and the SS made them go faster. Explosions went off in the darkness and if you stopped for even a second you would be shot.  A polish boy next to him named Zalaman had seized with a stomach cramp. Elie tried to help him but had to keep going. He thought about his hurt shoulder and foot but the only thing that kept him going was his dad running beside him. The passed through a village and people tried slip out and hide in a deserted building. Elie finally got to sleep and when he woke up his dad was patting him on the check. He then realized how he had grown old in just the pass night. Him and his father would then take turns sleeping.  The Kapos then placed them in barracks, and when the got in there Elie was crushing someone. It was Juliek he was still alive. Juliek then said goodbye to his violin by giving a concert to dying and dead men. Elie would never forget his polish friend Juliek. 


Meir Katz- Worked as a gardener, strong man
Chlomo- Elie’s father, weak, dying

They stayed in Gleiwitz for three days without anything to drink or eat. They had heard gunshots again but neither of them had the strength or courage to believe Nazis would not have time to evacuate them and that the Russians would soon be there. They then began to hear that they were going to be moved to the center of Germany. On the third day they were being driven out and they was a selection weak to left and those who could walk well to the right. Elie’s dad was sent to the weak side and when Elie ran after him he was yelled at and told to get back. He ran in with other making confusion, which made others be able to go back to the right side. There were some gunshots and some dead but Elie and his father were back together. They marched to a field and then waited for the train to arrive. They were all so thin that it was a hundred to carriage. Elie tried to distinguish those who were alive and those who were alive. His dad cuddled next to him would not say a word. Soon the train stopped to throw all the dead bodies out and when they cam to Elie’s father he fought to not let them take him. He slapped him so hard that finally his eyelids moved.  The SS moved past. On the last day of their journey it began to snow. Someone got up and shouted we cannot stay sitting like this we will freeze to death. They arrived at Buchenwald. They all formed fives and the chimney of the crematory oven arose. Elie’s only wish was to take a bath and go to bed.

Pg. 101- 109

Elie’s father was slowly dying. It was an argument between them Elie telling him to not go yet but his dad was slowly already choosing death. He sat by his bunk that had five other men in it. Elie didn’t leave his dad until he dies. And once he died nothing touched him. Elie stated in Buchenwald until April eleventh. He was then sent to the children’s block were there were six hundred of them. On April fifth all the Jews were told to go to the assembly place. Elie thought to him self this was the end Hitler was finally making his promise. When they were all the way to the assembly place they were told to go back to their block because they would be shoot. Soon everyday people were leaving the camp and never came back. On April 10th there were still twenty thousand people who had not left and were starving because they have not ate in six days. After a small battle that did not last long, the men were finally able to eat. Elie was soon rushed to the hospital for two weeks battling life and death from food poisoning. One day when he was able to get up he went and looked in the mirror. A corpse gazed back at him. The look in his eyes that stared into Elie’s has never left him.